Designed for business teams like yours

Here at RetainSense we focus on markets where technology, innovation, and capital can unlock long-term value and drive economic growth.


Best option for personal use & for your next project.

$39 /month
  • 2 Users (Power Users)
  • 500 customer accounts
  • Surveys
  • Dashboards
  • SLA: 48 Hours
  • Free Implementation
Get started


Relevant for multiple users, extended & premium support.

$69 /month
  • 5 Users (Power Users)
  • 2000 customer accounts
  • Health Scores
  • Customer Journeys
  • SLA: 24 Hours
  • Free Implementation
Get started


Best for large scale uses and extended redistribution rights.

$119 /month
  • 10 Users (Power Users)
  • 5000 customer accounts
  • Product Usage Tracking
  • Revenue Compass
  • SLA: 24 Hours
  • Free Implementation
Get started
Feature Starter Company Enterprise
Users 2 Power Users 5 Power Users 10 Power Users
Viewers Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Customers 500 customer accounts 2000 customer accounts 5000 customer accounts
Client Compass
Revenue Compass
Free Implementation
Health Monitoring & Scores
Customer Journey
Customer Onboarding
Product Usage Tracking
Dynamic Surveys
Sentiment Analysis
SLA 48 Hours 24 Hours 24 Hours

Frequently asked questions

No, we offer flexible subscription plans without long-term contracts. You can choose a monthly or annual plan based on your preference.

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Experience the power of RetainSense firsthand. See how our tool can help you reduce churn, boost revenue, and enhance customer satisfaction.

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